Find my Future 2024

Find my Future, previously called Women of the Future, is an event supported by the John Innes Foundation aiming to introduce young people to scientists and employers to showcase the huge variety of STEMM careers. The event is organised as a partnership between the John Innes Centre and the University of East Anglia. Find my Future is open to Year 8 students and includes presentations, interactive stands and the opportunities for students to have informal conversations with people working in and studying STEMM subjects.

This year almost 140 students from 12 secondary schools took part. Participating students had the chance to hear from Ian Russell demonstrating microscopic creatures live, learn more about the brain and perception with James Piercy and hear from Winnie Awa, CEO of Carra a company using AI technology to identify hair care products for textured hair. The students also had the chance to network with 30 STEMM professionals from the Norwich Research Park to learn about their jobs and the pathways they took to get to where they are. They also had the opportunity to speak to 20 local employers to help them learn more about the variety of careers in STEMM.

Students were surveyed before and after the event, to see if there was any change in behaviour or opinion after the event. Before the event, 46% of the students said they would consider a career in STEMM, but after the event, this had risen to 72%.

One teacher commented “The day was a phenomenal experience for my year 8’s. Thanks you so much for all the time and effort that went into it. They came back enthused for STEMM and full of praise for the time they had.”

The Find my Future event continues to inspire young people to consider a career in STEMM, by broadening their awareness of careers in the sector. The core delivery team would like to thank all the collaborative partners for their support and the John Innes Foundation for funding.