On 22nd November around 120 year 8 (13 yr old) students visited the John Innes
Conference Centre for a new engagement event. The event was an evolution of the
Women of the Future event which began in 2016. Women of the Future was
designed to showcase female roles in STEMM and was aimed at year 10 students. A
review highlighted the fact that women are not underrepresented in biosciences,
below group leader level, and that young people are making decisions about future
study and careers at younger ages. Following discussions with the Athena Swan lead
it was decided to keep the format of Women of the Future but adapt the target
audience to younger pupils of all genders but to focus on schools on in disadvantaged
areas. Find my Future was designed to introduce young people to scientists and show
the huge range of STEMM careers they might consider.
The day was developed in partnership with UEA outreach and sponsored by John
Innes Foundation. The conference included presentations, interactive stands and
informal conversations with people working and studying STEMM.
The event was very well received by teachers and students with a majority of young
people saying they would be more likely to consider a science career and teachers
agreeing that the event was well suited to their pupils needs and pitched at an
appropriate level.